Call for Full Paper - XMEETING 2025

For the first time at X-Meeting , accepted full papers will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI), a subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

The X-Meeting 2025 Program Committee invites submissions of original research presenting novel theoretical results, techniques, and applications in all areas of Bioinformatics, including, but not limited to, the following:

- AI and Machine Learning in Medicine and Healthcare
- Computational Drug Discovery
- Sequence Analysis
- Single-cell sequencing
- Omics Data Integration and Analysis
- Genomic Variation and Disease
- Haplotypes and Population Genomics
- Phylogenetics
- Protein and RNA Analysis, Structure, and Dynamics
- Metagenomics and Algorithms for Microbiomes
- Cancer Genomics
- Bioinformatics in Agro Sciences
- Pharmacogenomics
- Systems Biology
- Biological Networks and Integrative Analysis
- Bioimage Informatics
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Mining in Biology
- Large language model (LLM) for Bioinformatics
- Data Integration, Harmonization, and Ontology
- Computational Phenotyping
- Automated Diagnosis and Prediction
- Data Security and Privacy
- Knowledge Representation Applications
- Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics
- Biomedical and Health Data Visualization
- Public Health and Population Health Informatics
- Infectious Disease Networks and Computational Epidemiology
- Social Network Analysis for Health Applications
- Heuristic Search Methods in Bioinformatics
- High Performance Computing for Computational Biology
- Bioinformatics in Plant Science

Important Dates
Paper submission due: ​April 20, 2025
Notifications sent to authors: ​May 14, 2025
Camera-ready papers due: ​May 30, 2025

Paper Preparation
Manuscripts must be written in English and formatted according to the Springer LNCS templates. The acceptable length is a minimum of 14 pages and a maximum of 16 pages. Authors are required to consult Springer's "Instructions for Authors of Proceedings" and utilize either the LaTeX or Word templates provided on the authors' page: for manuscript preparation.
The use of artificial intelligence AI-generated text within a manuscript must be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any submitted paper. Furthermore, all manuscript sections incorporating AI-generated text must include a citation specifying the AI system employed for text generation.
Submissions must be original and not currently under review elsewhere.

Paper Submission System
X-Meeting 2025 uses Microsoft CMT for paper submissions. The submission system can be accessed via the following link:
All author names and affiliations must be entered into the submission system. No additions will be permitted after the review process commences.

Review Process
All submissions will be screened for plagiarism. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject any submission containing suspected instances of plagiarism without further review.
Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Following review, papers may be accepted, rejected, or conditionally accepted pending revisions (revise and resubmit). Further details are provided below.
X-Meeting 2025 employs a double-blind review process; reviewers will not be informed of the authors' identities, and vice versa. Authors are, therefore, required to ensure anonymity in their submitted PDF File. Specifically:
- Author names should not be included within the submitted PDF document.
- Prior work should be referenced in the third person whenever possible.
- While reviewers may potentially deduce author identities through external resources, such as publicly available technical reports, the presence of such information online does not violate the double-blind submission policy.
- Please note that anonymization is mandatory. Submissions that explicitly or implicitly reveal author identities may be rejected.
Authors will not be allowed to appeal if their papers are rejected.

Camera-Ready Publication
All accepted papers are contingent upon registration by at least one author at ​X-Meeting 2025 (see the Registration section for details).
X-Meeting 2025 policy prohibits the addition of new authors at the camera-ready stage. Compliance with this policy is required for publication.
One ​X-Meeting 2025 registration covers the publication of up to two full papers submitted under this call.

Program Chairs:
Marcio Dorn (UFRGS)
Fabricio M. Lopes (UTFPR)

Programme Committee (preliminary):
Alan Mitchell Durham (USP)
Alessandro M. Varani (UNESP)
Alexandre Rossi Paschoal (UTFPR)
Ana Carolina Guimarães  (FIOCRUZ)
Ana Carolina Lima Camargo (UNICAMP)
André Fujita (USP)
André Yoshiaki Kashiwabara (UTFPR)
Antonio Marcio Barbosa Junior (UFS)
Artur Trancoso Lopo de Queiroz (FIOCRUZ)
David Correa Martins Jr (UFABC)
Diogo Antonio Tschoeke (UFRJ)
Douglas Silva Domingues (USP)
Fábio Faria da Mota (FIOCRUZ)
Fabricio Martins Lopes (UTFPR)
Flavia Figueira Aburjaile (UFMG)
Glauber Wagner (UFSC)
Helder Nakaya (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)
Laurival Vilas Boas (UEL)
Marcio Dorn (UFRGS)
Marcelo Brandão (Unicamp)
Marcelo S. Reis (Unicamp)
Marie-Anne Van Sluys (USP)
Marie-France Sagot (Inria)
Mario Instroza-Ponta (USACH)
Mauro Antônio Alves Castro (UFPR)
Manuel Villalobos-Cid (USACH)
Miguel Rocha (UMinho)
Ney Lemke (UNESP)
Nicole Scherer (INCA)
Pedro H. Bugatti (UFSCAR)
Priscila Grynberg (EMBRAPA)
Priscila T. M. Saito (UFSCAR)
Roberto Togawa (EMBRAPA)
Robson Francisco Carvalho (UNESP)
Rodrigo Juliani Siqueira Dalmolin (UFRN)
Rodrigo Ligabue-Braun (UFCSPA)
Romain Guyot (IRD)
Sávio Torres de Farias (UFPB)
Ulisses Braga-Neto (​Texas A&M University)

**The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

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