Deville Prime Salvador

The X-Meeting 2024 will be held at the Deville Premium Hotel in Salvador, Brazil, from June 11 to 14. This is your opportunity to network with other field enthusiasts, learn from experts, discover the most recent trends and innovations in bioinformatics, and gain insight from our partner companies. 

Hotel Deville Premium Salvador

R. Passárgada, S/N - Itapuã
Salvador - BA
CEP: 41.620-430

 ​This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+55 71 2106-8500

 +55 41 3219-4004

Contact the hotel directly to reserve a room.

All registered attendees are entitled to a special rate at the Deville Premium Hotel. ​You should contact the booking centre (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and provide us with the city and name of the event, Congresso Brasileiro de Bioinformática: X-Meeting.

Here you may get the hotel details

Airport <-> hotel transportation 

 ​For those seeking comfort and convenience during the X-meeting, Privê Turismo organises transfer services between the airport and hotels in the area, as well as post-event tours.

More information

Late poster submission

Following your heart in bioinformatics can take you anywhere: to a research project, an algorithm, an educational game, an analysis platform, science outreach, a parallel bioinformatics project, a predictive model, or any number of other possibilities. So, this year, in addition to the poster and software demo presentations, we will be inviting the top abstract authors to deliver a flash talk during the Next Generation Bioinformaticians (NGB) sessions.

I am Ready to submit Most frequently used 
terms in previous submissions

Important dates

The Late  submission opens on May 16th and will close for on May 30rd.

The earlier you submit your abstract, the earlier you may receive your response; don't wait until the last second to submit!

Important info

A maximum of two submissions per presenting author is allowed.
- are encouraged to be in English;
- must have between 250 and 500 words;
- must describe scientific data.
A brief description of preliminary results in the abstract is encouraged.
All authors' names, emails, and institutions must be declared in the appropriate fields.
If all authors belong to the same institution, its name must be declared only once

Poster presentation guidelines

All you need to know

Let´s party

This year, we are excited to announce that we will be hosting another edition of X-Party, the highly anticipated annual gathering. To create a vibrant atmosphere for your event featuring a professional DJ, we will kick off the evening with an energetic Karaoke session and include a complimentary drink or food with your ticket.
It is recommended to purchase your ticket in advance, as availability is limited.

get your ticket​!

Detailed information could be accessed by clicking on the buttons on the right.

X-meeting 2024

Confirmed Speakers

Attend X-Meeting 2024, an unprecedented gathering where concepts and ideas converge. 
The forthcoming event is anticipated to be a highly intellectually stimulating experience, as a distinguished group of speakers has been confirmed to impart their wisdom. 
Capitalise on the opportunity to explore the most recent scientific advancements, state-of-the-art technologies, and developing patterns in the field. Participate in substantive discourse and broaden your professional connections with a heterogeneous assemblage of scholars, practitioners, and authorities in your field hailing from around the world. This is an exceptional opportunity to influence and be influenced by the future of technology and science.

Douglas Joel Futuyma

Stony Brook University, and Research Associate on staff at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

John Rinn

Leslie Orgel Professor of RNA Science / University of Colorado - Boulder

Maribel Hernandez Rosales

Professor Researcher, CINVESTAV Irapuato

Flavio Spetale

Investigador Adjunto en CIFASIS-CONICET

Javier De Las Rivas

Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca (IBSAL)

Thomas Hagan

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Ândrea Kely Ribeiro dos Santos

ICBIO - Universidade Federal do Pará

Matthieu Montes

Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

Bruno Anderson Matias da Rocha

Universidade Federal do Ceará

Ana de Medeiros Arnt


Ana Tereza Ribeiro de Vasconcelos

Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica

Elizabeth Tapia

Cofounder and CSO at ArgentTag Bioscience

Izabela Mamede

Revista Brasileira de Bioinformática

Mariana Quezado

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Pablo Ivan Pereira Ramos

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ Bahia)

Roberto Lins

Research Scientist / Fiocruz

Thais Gaudencio Rego

Departamento de Informática da Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Vinicius Maracaja Coutinho

Universidad de Chile

Deisy Gysi

Professor in Statistics at Federal University of Paraná ( UFPR

Eduardo Tarazona Santos

Professor/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Fábio Passetti

Pesquisador em Saúde Pública - Instituto Carlos Chagas (ICC/Fiocruz Paraná)

Paulo Amaral

Professor Assistente e Pesquisador / Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa

Renata De Paris

Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado

André Luís Michels de Alcântara

Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado

Official line-up

You may see the most updated official programme via EVEN3, our conference partner. Check out the programme and register for the X-meeting today.


Registration is now closed.

 Back to top

The X-Meeting in 2024 is hiring volunteers!
A free registration will be provided to selected volunteers!

To subscribe, you must first collect the following information:

1) A Statement of Purpose: a statement stating why you want to be a volunteer and why you would be a good one (must be in English).
2) Curriculum Vitae complete Link.
3) Availability: Provide specific arrival and departure dates (volunteers which are available to join training before the event may be given priority).
4) An active AB3C registration is required.

Second, please fill out this application form before April 28, 2024.

All four days of the conference  (June 11 - June 14), volunteers are needed, however they will only be needed for certain shifts and locations (details to be provided).
During the event, volunteers will perform several duties, including:
- Assistance for speaker greeting and transportation;
- Technological assistance throughout keynote and round table sessions;
- Speakers help desk;
- Secretarial table;
- Meeting material preparation and distribution;
- Technical assistance before to and during the poster session;

Please rank the aforementioned places in order of preference on your application. 
Keep in mind that anyone can register to volunteer for AB3C, but only active members can serve as volunteers.

Best of luck!

X-meeting 2024

Putting together an event by oneself is not possible. Here are all of our collaborators who help make X-meeting a reality.

Organised for you by:

Our partners

80% of the registration fee will be refunded for any requested cancellation received before April 20. From this date to June 1st you will receive 50% of the registration fee. No refund will be made for cancellation requests made after June 1st.

All requests should be sent via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and state that you have read and agreed with the terms of the cancellation process.

The AB3C association fee is not refundable at any time.

Art. 49 of Law 8.078/09 of the Consumer Defense Code guarantees a legal deadline of 7 days after purchase to request a full refund of payment.


Privê Turismo is an independent company with no association to X-meeting or AB3C. Hiring transfer services is entirely optional, and Privê Turismo is solely responsible for arranging them. We recommend that those interested contact the company directly for additional information and to set up a contract.

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