Congresso Brasileiro de Bioinformática: X-Meeting


Welcome to X-meeting eXperience

November 09th and 10th 2020

This year our conference will be a little bit different. Due to the COVID19 and all the maneuvers needed for social distancing, the X-Meeting XP will be completely virtual and free to all AB³C active members. Check the AB³C official web site for a VERY special discount!


X-meeting eXperience program

Xpress presentation

All attendees are invited to submit a 4 minutes video presentation of your work. 

All presentations will compete for the best presentation by a board and audience choice award.


Special interest Groups

We will made available some virtual rooms for SIGs from different topics. All are invited to submit an proposal for it


Thesis and Dissertation Award

The AB3C Thesis and Dissertations Award will select the best Bioinformatics PhD thesis and master dissertation, approved, from January 1 to December 31, 2019.

Keynote lecture

We are going to have four keynote virtual lecture, program will be release soon!


 Much more to come!!

Follow us on AB³C Official social medias for updated news!


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